It's all about the groom!
/Let’s face it—any groom will look handsome in a classic tuxedo. The real challenge, is in looking unique. This might take a bit more thought, however, and since most grooms would rather be planning a bachelor party than figuring out if a basic black bow tie is boring, I thought I would share a couple of my favorite ideas.
(1)Wear fun socks—black socks are the expected, but how about selecting a patterned pair or a pair in the colors of your favorite sports team. (2) Wear suspenders—not only do they look great with a slim-fit tux, dancing will be much more PG appropriate (no plumber’s crack). (3) Select a unique boutonnière—avoid the traditional rose and wear a boutonniere that shows off your favorite hobby like guitar picks or legos. You could also choose to have all the men in the bridal party wear a different bloom in your signature hue for unique looking lapels.