Unity Sand Ceremony to Include Mothers and Children

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Is it important to you that you involve each of your mothers in the ceremony?  Do one or both of you have children that you would like to include in the ceremony.  I am not always a fan of the Sand Ceremony but I love it when including others is a priority.  Below is wording for the officiant that would allow you to include all those special people in your lives.


We now invite the women who gave the bride and groom life, their mothers, to please come forward for take part in a sand ceremony.  (Bride’s name) and (Groom’s name) would like their mothers to pour some sand into their individual vases representing their giving them life, as well as all their wonderful contributions to their lives.

You can also have a flower of choice (i.e. a rose, an orchid or a lily) laying on the table by the vases with attached notes of love and gratitude addressed to your mothers. These notes would be rolled as small scrolls and attached to the flowers with a lovely ribbon. After your mothers finish pouring, you and your groom present your mothers the flowers with the surprise note along with a hug and kiss. (Your mothers will read them after the ceremony in a private moment.

(Bride’s name) and (Groom’s name), will you now step up to the Sand Ceremony table and hold close to your heart the container sand representing the essence of all that you are and all that you bring to this union.  As you do so, embody the grains with all your hopes and dreams for the future. Bring to mind the strength of your promises, the honesty and integrity with which you make them, and all the particles of personality that make you unique and wonderful in one another's eyes.

 Within a marriage each person is both their own and each other’s--two individuals choosing to create a new life with endless possibilities and new dreams that are theirs together. Will you now pour the sand that is to represent the foundation of your love which is to support and nurture, your marriage and your family.

Will the children please join us now.

These containers of sand, are here to represent you, (each child’s name) and your importance. Like colors of the rainbow you are each different and special, valuable, and precious. Therefore it is only fitting that you be shown as an

important part of this marriage.  After all, marriage is really about family. So will you please pick up your sand and add it to your mom and dad's.

(Bride’s name) and (Groom’s name), will you now please finish pouring your sand.

And will you now seal the vessel as a reminder that nothing is more important nor more sacred than the bond that you share as husband wife and family. (Each child’s name), do you see where you all are?  You are in the center of your mom and dad's hearts, now and forever.